Transition Support and Counseling


Our one-on-one transition information and support sessions can help you prepare for adulthood.

While transitioning to adulthood is an exciting time in a student’s life, it can also be a challenging and complex process for individuals with disabilities and their families.

CCSN offers services for high school and transition-age students with ASD, learning disabilities, and other neurodevelopmental disorders to help students, their families, and their support team navigate this transition.

Our transition consultants can help you answer transition-focused questions such as:

  • What steps should we be taking to help prepare for transition?
  • What is a reasonable timeline we should be following to accomplish transition-focused tasks?
  • What supports are available post high school?
  • How do we put together a qualified team to support our student? Who should be included in this team?
  • How do we evaluate and select post high school programs and services?
  • How do we connect our student with the community?
  • How do we help our student prepare for and find employment?
  • What housing options are available?
  • How can we find out more about post-secondary education or training?

Working together, we can help you prepare for the future.

Psychological and Diagnostic Evaluations

We offer comprehensive evaluations for individuals with suspected or confirmed autism spectrum disorders and other related neurodevelopmental disorders

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Occupational Therapy Evaluations

Our therapists evaluate fine and sensorimotor skills and the impact that these skills have on self-care, daily living skills, academic participation, and general skill development

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Program Observations

Our experts perform an on-site review of the effectiveness of the academic, social, behavioral, and adaptive programming that the student is receiving

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Speech and Language Evaluations

Our therapists conduct a comprehensive assessment of your loved one's ability to understand and use language, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and remediation strategies

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