Leveraging telehealth to improve lives
For more than a decade, CCSN has been partnering with organizations delivering care and services to individuals with ASD and related neurodevelopmental disabilities utilizing technology to shrink the physical distance between our center and partner's locations. We follow an executive-coaching model where we provide consultative support to clinicians and practitioners who are locally-based and licensed to provide relevant clinical services to individuals in their area.
Using the video conferencing technology, teams are able to securely participate in many clinical and program development activities such as:
CCSN also offers synchronous and asynchronous multi-point trainings that allow several teams to participate in training seminars from their home locations.
Coaching leaders and executives on recruitment of differently abled staff
Supporting organizations serving individuals with complex educational, social, vocational and community needs
Delivering specialized training for clinicians, educators, administrators, paraeducators, direct-care staff, and healthcare providers to improve service delivery